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Saturday, 23 June 2007

MART Petition

Just what does MART actually stand for... well the husband of the woman that I am a carer for is part of Manchester Against Road Tax (short abbreviation MART) okay so it's a pretty small organisation that is part of a much larger organisation dedicated to getting rid of congestion charges.. So I thought that I would do my part and help out by creating the logo for them as well as getting people to sign the petition... yeah yeah there's many petitions that are in circulation regarding the Congestion Charges. but what the hell..... I mean honestly... this government is just sucking up to the eu... and why ??? because the government wants the uk to be the first and foremost country in the eu... you know the anthem rule britania ??? well in my eyes thats what they are trying to become, that may be the case right now. and that may have been so in the days of queen victoria, but thats what made the united kingdom stand out from the rest of the other countries ( No offence to any other countries here ) the uk strived to stand out from the other countries... NOT follow suit such as the tagging system thats going to be in place!

I have ripped the streaming content from the itv local news website and uploaded it to my webhost, I will optimize it later on, as I tried converting it to an swf file but it ended up larger than the original file. There is also an interview with the main man of MART, the interview also shows the extent of the congestion charging zone. You can download the file by clicking here!

Today this morning we set out at 9am and headed off to Market street in the town centre and there we was with the placards that rob had made with bits of wood courtesy of Tameside college ( Thank you Craft department for those ) and we actually did get a few people to sign the petition, how many I do not know, as we left just before 12pm due to sleep deprivation, and only just woken up but I got to say, it was interesting hearing people's point of views there was just ONE annoying thing though, and damn was she smug about it as she walked off.. Rob asked one student if she could sign the petition, and boy did she stink of perfume, here was her response "I use public transport because I care about the environment" my thoughts were... if you care that much about the environment then why the hell are you polluting the environment with that ugh whatever it was that she had on... I seriously got no idea... But yeah it actually was a bit of a laugh. OH OH OH I forgot to add this but Damn there's some scary people out there.

Now I don't have a problem with gays or transvestites, but it's rather unpleasant when you see three transvestites one especially wearing a skirt thats shorter than a belt. and you can see the ermmm whats that word I am looking for... (you know... the sac) lol... seriously it's all good though. NOT in that way.. I mean, each to their own. so I can't really say anything bad about anyones sexuality.

Two guys I don't know who they are, but they were a laugh. and wanted to get involved, so I thought yeah why not, so I handed them my placard, they even got a fair amount of signatures, twelve to be exact, they seriously brightened up the day, for 20 minutes. Here's the two guys in action, so guys here's your claim to fame. good on ya by the way....

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Both images were shot with my samsung U600 which I will be reviewing later on.